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Conditions Treated

Contact us:

Dr. Wayne Winnick and Associates Upper East Side Chiropractic and Sports Medicine

Manhattan office:

159 East 74th Street
Suite 2, Lower Level
New York, NY 10021

Long Island office:

34 Bay Street
Room 206
Sag Harbor, NY 11963

T: 212-249-7790

Dr. Winnick & Associates is now offering Telemedicine appointments for new and existing patients. Please call our office for details.

Home | Conditions Treated | Shoulder Pain | Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic Outlet SyndromeThoracic outlet syndrome results from compression of the neurological structures (brachial plexus), vascular structures (arteries and veins), or both (neurovascular sleeve).

Classic symptoms of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome include arm pain, arm numbness, and arm tingling that continues into the fingers. Also weakness, muscle wasting, muscle atrophy, a feeling of coldness in the hands, and loss of fine motor skills could be seen.

Poor posture and improper breathing can contribute to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.

Our Approach

When Thoracic Outlet Syndrome is suspected we perform a careful evaluation of the cervical spine, the shoulders, the ribcage, the surrounding muscles, and the functional movement of the nervous system for a full postural exam. Imaging or tests such as diagnostic ultrasound, MRI and EMG could be ordered if further evaluation is needed.

Manual therapies will include Fascial Manipulation, Active Release Technique®, and Graston Technique® are integrated to improve functioning.

Many times rest is helpful, but postural re-education exercises, stretches, strengthening exercises, and workplace ergonomic modifications are critical to preventing the return of symptoms.
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