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Conditions Treated

Contact us:

Dr. Wayne Winnick and Associates Upper East Side Chiropractic and Sports Medicine

Manhattan office:

159 East 74th Street
Suite 2, Lower Level
New York, NY 10021

Long Island office:

34 Bay Street
Room 206
Sag Harbor, NY 11963

T: 212-249-7790

Dr. Winnick & Associates is now offering Telemedicine appointments for new and existing patients. Please call our office for details.

Home | Conditions Treated | Knee and Thigh Pain | Meniscal Injuries/Meniscal Tears

Meniscal Injuries/Meniscal Tears

Meniscal Tears New YorkMeniscal knee injuries are very common in athletes, especially in sports that require pivoting (tennis/squash), pounding (running), and turning (skiing).

Degenerative changes due to the aging process can also affect the knee menisci. The knee has two menisci, an inner or medial meniscus and an outer or lateral meniscus. These c-shaped "donuts" are made of cartilage and allow the bones (femur and tibia) to glide smoothly against one another during flexion (bending) and extension (straightening) of the knee.

These structures act as shock absorbers and will distribute weight-bearing load on the knee. When they are damaged, knee pain occurs. Not all meniscus injuries need surgery.

Our Approach

Our own doctors have invented and researched many of the most effective, non-surgical soft tissue procedures for treating meniscal injuries.

We are proud to say that meniscal injuries and meniscal tears are among our top specialties and we have achieved great success with thousands of knee injury patients over the last 25 years.

Our examination and treatment is completely unique and patients often experience great improvement within a month of treatment.
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We've worked with or have treated athletes from the NY Giants, NY Mets, NYC Road Runners, Ironman, Hampton Marathon, and more:

Dr. Wayne Winnick NY Giants patient testimonials Dr. Wayne Winnick Ironman patient testimonials Dr. Wayne Winnick NY Jets patient testimonials Dr. Wayne Winnick NY Road Runners patient testimonials Dr. Wayne Winnick Hamptons Marathon patient testimonials Dr. Wayne Winnick NY Mets patient testimonials